Besiege of schools
The public prosecuter in Catalunya has issued an order to the Catalan police, Mossos d’Esquadra, to besiege the schools and other buldings where the voting of the referendum will take place next Sunday. Schools will have to be emptied at Friday afternoon, closed hermetically and keys will have to be handed over. Following Spanish law, the Mossos d’Esquadra are oblidged to follow the orders from the public prosecuter. Not doing so will be regarded as disobedience, which is regarded as a grave crime, especially in case it concerns a police. The Catalan referendum law however, implies its own legality in order to allow the voting. This legality is opposite to the Spanish one as it does not accept the Spanish constitution. It may be clear that the Spanish justice does not accept the Catalan legality. So the big question is whether the Mossos will obey the Spanish or Catalan legality the day before and during the day when the voting takes place. The Catalan minister of internal affairs and head of the Mossos said the order of the public prosecuter will provoke a disruption of public order and, therefore, is in contrast with the police’s main task.
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